Test Your Spanish Skills: Select Best Spanish Language Proficiency Certification

Spanish is the most in-demand second language evolved from Roman and Arabic cultures. With an interesting history, the language expects to have 1300% growth in the US by 2050. Yes, predictions say the United States will be the world’s largest Spanish-speaking country soon. 

Experts show that 6 months of practicing can set your journey for an expert Spanish speaker. While fluency is part of personal growth,  language skill tests help you to prove your progress. Learn more about how the tests provide a reliable measure of your Spanish skills. 

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is a standardized system to measure language skills. It provides a framework for learning, teaching, and assessing languages. CEFR divides language proficiency into six levels, each with specific criteria and descriptions.

CEFR Levels for Spanish

A1: Beginner

Format: Basic understanding and use of simple phrases and sentences. Ability to introduce oneself and ask/answer personal questions.

Target AudienceAbsolute beginners with little to no prior knowledge of Spanish.

Skills Assessed: Basic vocabulary and grammar, simple conversations, and reading/writing short texts.

A2: Elementary

FormatUnderstanding frequent expressions and simple sentences related to immediate needs. Ability to communicate in routine tasks.

Target Audience: Learners with a basic foundation who can handle simple interactions.

Skills Assessed: Everyday vocabulary, listening, basic writing skills, and participation in social exchanges.

B1: Intermediate

Format: Ability to handle situations while traveling in Spanish-speaking areas. Can produce simple connected text on familiar topics.

Target Audience: Intermediate learners aiming to improve practical language skills.

Skills Assessed: Complex grammar and vocabulary, understanding everyday language, and writing basic paragraphs.

B2: Upper-Intermediate

Format: Understanding of main ideas of texts on both concrete and abstract topics. Ability to interact with native speakers with a degree of fluency.

Target Audience: Learners who wish to refine their language skills for advanced communication.

Skills Assessed: Can understand complex information, produce thorough reports, and converse fluently.

C1: Advanced

Format: Can easily understand complex texts and speak fluently and naturally without hesitation.

Target Audience: Advanced learners aiming for near-native fluency.

Skills Assessed: Masters advanced grammar vocabulary, grasps hidden meanings, and writes complex topics.

C2: Proficient

Format: Understanding virtually everything heard or read with ease. Ability to summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments coherently.

Target Audience: Learners aiming for complete mastery and using language for all purposes.

Skills Assessed: Understands and creates advanced writing, communicates subtlety, and expresses ideas smoothly.

CEFR tests are designed for beginners to those who seeking proficiency. Each test includes multiple sections to evaluate listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities. Learners and educators can identify language proficiency levels and set their new goals. 

Popular Spanish Language Proficiency Tests

Following Spanish fluency tests use the CEFR scale to understand participants’ language skills


The DELE, or Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign Language official certification issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education. They are internationally recognized proof of your Spanish language abilities. 

The certification is valuable for academics, professional life or visa, and citizenship seekers. DELE exam format generally consists of four sections: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. 

You can choose one of the six levels and take four sections that provide a diploma of lifelong validity. The exam centers are available in more than 100 countries.  Instituto Cervantes conducts sample A1 exams for young learners to get familiarized with exam structure. 

You need to score 60 out of 100 points to pass the exam. Successful candidates receive their certificates within three months after attending the exam.


Siele is a globally recognized Spanish proficiency exam designed to assess specific skills. It’s accepted by universities, companies, and institutions as proof of Spanish ability. You can choose which skills to test (all four or just specific ones) and the level you wish to show (basic to advanced).

The exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 1000, with 250 points assigned to each section. Attending each section separately reduces your stress. 

SIELE provides a score that reflects candidates’ proficiency across all levels(A1-C1) of CEFR. You will receive the certificate with a validity of 5 years. You can complete the whole exam procedure including the results within 3 weeks online.


CELU is accredited by academic and professional institutions in  Argentina, Brazil, China, and Italy. The exam is conducted twice a year, typically in June and November. Unlike other tests, CELU doesn’t consider grammatical sections in the exam.

Celu covers proficiency levels equal to  B1-B2 (intermediate) and C1 (advanced) of the CEFR. The grading scale ranges from “Good” to “Excellent.” The CELU is divided into two main sections, verbal and written exams. This focuses on practical language use in real-life situations.

Candidates receive their results and certificates within a maximum of four months. The exam procedures are fully conducted on an offline method.

The exam was primarily designed for non-native speakers of Spanish. Candidates who speak Spanish at home but were educated in a non-Spanish-speaking country are also allowed to attend the exam.

ACTFL OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview)

ACTFL OPI is a standardized assessment of speaking proficiency in foreign languages. OPI evaluates how a person speaks language through conversations with a tester. This was developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL).

Unlike other exams, OPI is a one-on-one interview conducted either face-to-face or over the phone. The test takes through 4 stages, an intro, warm up, interview and cool down. The 30-minute session assesses fluency, accuracy, and sociolinguistic competence, etc.

The OPI rates proficiency on a scale from Novice to Superior, and sublevels for precise measurement. The scale corresponds to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. The interview is recorded and rated by certified ACTFL testers to ensure reliability.

Choosing the Right Test

Selecting the most suitable one from above depends on your goals and circumstances. Here is a table comparing the key features of every test to make an easy decision.

PurposeOfficial certification for academic & professional settingsGlobal recognition for academic & professional settingsCertification for South American-specific SpanishAssess spoken fluency in real-world situations
Target AudienceLearners from beginner to masteryLearners from beginner to advancedIntermediate & Upper Intermediate learnersLearners at all proficiency levels
FormatPaper-basedComputer-basedPaper-basedLive, one-on-one conversation
FlexibilityLimited – tests all 4 skillsMost flexible – choose specific skillsLimited – focuses on South American SpanishHighly adaptable based on your proficiency
LocationTesting centers in specific locationsTesting centers worldwideTesting centers mainly in South AmericaTesting centers worldwide
CostGenerally higherPotentially lower, depending on the skills testedVariesVaries
FocusAll four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)All four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)All four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) with emphasis on South AmericaSpoken fluency

Consider the CEFR proficiency level required for your specific needs before taking a test. DELE or SIELE might be preferred by employers seeking international talent.  The CELU exam is ideal if you aim for work opportunities in South America. OPI offers the flexibility to test only listening and speaking skills, which can help navigate conversations while traveling.


Dedication and right sources can help you achieve your desired level of fluency. Standardized tests have limitations and may not capture the full spectrum of fluency. Consider methods like conversation practice with native speakers or informal assessments to improve yourself. 

¡Buena suerte en tu aprendizaje del español!

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